“Clear days bring the mountains down to my doorstep,
Calm nights give the rivers their say,
The wind puts its hand to my shoulder some evenings,
And then I don’t think,
I just leave what I’m doing
And I go the soul’s way.”
John Moriarty
Welcome to the John Moriarty Institute for Ecology and Spirituality
Our mission is to act as a trustee of the legacy of John Moriarty and to be a steward of his unique vision, a vision that encompasses a healing spiritual journey for humanity and for the planet that we inhabit. The JMI believes that his currently neglected writings are a virtue to the world and that his teachings are a deep reservoir of wisdom for the times we live in; the aim is to make them more accessible and available. Acknowledging that humanity and the Earth are in trouble John Moriarty encourages personal and cultural reflection. His philosophy of inclusion and integration will greatly benefit all those seeking deeper connection and a more compassionate way of relating to each other and the Earth.
The JMI seeks to promote his teaching through group discussions, publications, lectures, workshops, and a dedicated website.