The Administration of the John Moriarty Institute for Ecology and Spirituality
Amanda Carmody. Amanda Carmody is John Moriarty’s niece and the current chairperson of the JMI. Amanda enjoyed a close relationship with John during his lifetime and she has taken time to study John’s large collection of books and audio recordings over the past 10 years.
Séan Aherne, NT, BD, HDip ED. Director, is a Celtic Christian Monk living in a small monastery near Dublin. He first met John Moriarty in 1992, and over the next fifteen years they became close friends. Bro. Seán is passionate about John’s vision for a Christian Monastic Hedge School for Adults. He has regularly introduced Sacred Heart University students in Dingle to Celtic Christianity, and brings them on tours to early Christian sites and Holy wells on the Dingle peninsula. He is co-editor with Michael W. Higgins, Introducing John Moriarty in His Own Words. Dublin: Lilliput Press, 2019.
John B. Roney, Ph.D., Director, is Professor of History, Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, CT, and Co-Director of Sacred Heart Campus in Dingle, County Kerry. Dr. Roney has taught and published on cultural and intellectual topics in Ireland, and in French-, and Dutch-speaking regions of Europe. He has also developed a special interest in environmental history, with a specific focus on cultural heritage, artisan fisheries, and coastal communities on the west coast of Ireland.
Mary McGillicuddy. Company Secretary. Author of John Moriarty: Not the Whole Story. Dublin: Lilliput Press, 2018.